Embassy in Bucharest

All practical information on our Embassy in Bucharest.

About us

Who's who and jurisdiction of our Embassy in Bucharest.
  1. Last updated on


The Embassy in Bucharest is responsible for:

  • Romania
  • the Republic of Moldova (only consular and visa matters)

Who's who?

The Embassy

  • Ambassador: H.E. Mr. John CORNET D'ELZIUS 
  • Deputy Head of Mission: Mr. Ewoud ROES

Defence Attaché Office in Bucharest

Colonel GS Patrick BONFANTI
Defence Attaché (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine)

Adjudant Major Filip BERGEMAN
Assistant Defence Attaché

Email: attadefmilad-attadef-boekarest@mil.be


Mr. Pierre ANNOYE
Trade and Economic Counsellor of Wallonia and Brussels in charge of Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and North Macedonia
Coordinates AWEX Bucharest, resident in Bucharest 

Address: 24 Italiană street, 5th floor, 020976 Bucharest – sector 2
Tel: (00 40 21) 314 05 77  
Fax: (00 40 21) 314 05 69 
Email: bucarest@awex-wallonia.com  
Website: www.wallonia.ro & www.wallonia.be

Office of Flanders Investment & Trade

Address: Metropolis Center - 89-97, Grigore Alexandrescu street, 5th floor, sector 1, Bucharest  
Tel: 0040 212 31 56 07 
Email: bucharest@fitagency.com